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Springtime Allergies

Writer's picture: Dr. Bernard Straile, BS, DCDr. Bernard Straile, BS, DC

Springtime brings warmer weather with thoughts of hiking, canoeing or just spending more time outdoors. But for many people, this can also equal seasonal allergies with various bothersome symptoms like watery/itchy eyes, runny noses and irritated throats.

During spring, trees and grasses begin releasing pollen into the air. When people inhale this pollen, it can trigger allergies in certain sensitive people, so called airborne allergies. Also referred to as Seasonal Allergies.

These pollens are a potpourri of trees, bushes, flowers, hedges, grasses and wild flowers.

Dr. Bernard Straile, DC, the originator of the SHOW Method and developer of the IMAET System, looks at allergies as metabolic disorders, caused often by SNPs, which are little errors in the human DNA.

“Here is what happens: You breath in the pollen particles, they land on the mucosa, either in the sinuses or throat and now YOUR body has to process these particles. Very much like food you consume. I’ve actually discovered a strong relationship between Spring Pollen and a Sugar sensitivity. So for the people who have no problem “coming up” with the enzymes required to process the pollen, there is no problem. The folks who are having trouble producing the required enzymes, they experience allergic reactions and symptoms.

Enzymes are produced through specific genes, and, as it turns out, a lot of us have ‘little quirks’ in our DNA called SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms), which can throw a monkey wrench in an otherwise perfectly functioning organism.

Very common. Bummer.

The good news is:

I have found, through the application of my SHOW Method on thousands of patients, that these genetic glitches or quirks known as SNPs, can be harmonized,” says Dr. Straile.

“Often, through the application of a specific and precise bio-energetic Biofeedback application (of the frequency of a particular allergen) , significant desensitization to that allergen appears to be possible.“

This qualifies as an epigenetic change, because now the gene responsible for this particular enzyme is working.

The medical options:

  • Oral antihistamines. Antihistamines can help relieve sneezing, itching, a runny nose and watery eyes. Examples of oral antihistamines include loratadine (Claritin, Alavert), cetirizine (Zyrtec Allergy) and fexofenadine (Allegra Allergy).

  • Decongestants. Oral decongestants such as pseudoephedrine (Sudafed, Afrinol, others) can provide temporary relief from nasal stuffiness. Decongestants also come in nasal sprays, such as oxymetazoline (Afrin) and phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine). Only use nasal decongestants for a few days in a row. Longer-term use of decongestant nasal sprays can actually worsen symptoms (rebound congestion).

So HOW does the body functionally deal with airborne allergies.

Obviously an exaggerated histamine response inflames and congests the mucous membranes. First the Immune System sends a chemical signal to "mast cells" in your skin, lungs, nose, mouth, gut, and blood. The message is, "Release histamines," which are stored in the mast cells.

When they leave the mast cells, histamines boost blood flow in the areas affected and dock at special places called "receptors" in those tissues. The result? If your nose was affected -- say by pollen -- histamines prompt thin walls, called membranes, to make more mucus. You can get a runny or stuffy nose. And you'll sneeze. The mucus can also bother your throat and make you cough. Histamines can make your eyes and nose itch.

Please know:

Our bodies produce their own Antihistamine to neutralize and degrade the histamine produced by the allergic response.

The SHOW Method strives to upregulate epigenetic function of the genes responsible for degrading histamine i.e. The SHOW Method is applied with the IMAET Biofeedback System*.





Genes resonate or vibrate with environmental demands (such as pollen landing on mucosal membranes) and by delivering a particular feedback, we are able to activate the targeted genes. We target the gene by challenging it with the innate frequency of the pollen or allergen. The environmental demand is the allergen, the responding genes may upregulate their function and clear out histamine more efficiently. This is Functional Epigenetics.

* IMAET Biofeedback unlocks blockages of the energy pathways and restarts normal energy circulation, much like Acupuncture.

In addition it harmonizes Metabolism by modulating epigenetic function. Improved metabolism means getting proper nutrition to vital organs, which also make up the Immune System. Immune function improves, and auto-immunity (hyperinflammatory immunity) decreases.

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